Publicis North America
Brand Campaign
Campaign Background
For over 30 years, Dawn has been an important part of rescuing wildlife that have been affected by oil pollution. It had been mostly under the radar, but the brand was looking for an opportunity to build more emotional engagement to a product that people normally shopped on autopilot. We built a omnichannel campaign meant to get consumers to understand the bigger impact their small actions could take. The campaign included a 9-part documentary series, bite-sized social content, and a destination hub where people could send thank-you's to volunteer rescue workers and learn tips on how they could help save wildlife. The program became one of the most effective integrated communication programs in P&G Home Care and a cornerstone for Dawn.
To determine what drives the highest attitudinal and sales impact for Dawn amongst competitive buyers, we found out that our work:9-PART DOCUMENTARY SERIES
The campaign kicked off with the release of a documentary series. "The Big Picture" is a 9-part documentary about Dawn’s commitment to its wildlife initiative. Each episode introduces you to scientists and volunteers who work hard at wildlife protection every day. Seal pups, pelicans, ducks, and sea lions make cameos as well.
The following year, we launched Virtual Volunteer, two videos shot first-person POV using GoPro cameras, where we let people experience firsthand what it’s like to be a volunteer. In one video we captured the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of an duck caught in an oil spill and in the other, a day in life of a rescue volunteer at Dawn’s wildlife rescue partner, the International Bird Rescue.
Social Posts
We kept people hooked into the program by regularly serving up a tiny dose of cute in their Facebook feed, as well as small tips people can do to help wildlife.

Wildlife also gave advice on how to apply some of their wildlife tips to everyday life.
One of the tips on the website was to encourage people to use reusable instead of plastic bags when possible. So as a promotion, those who pledged to make a committment to help save wildlife got a Dawn Saves Wildlife branded reusable bag.

A parallax-scrolling site digitally immersed users into the wildlife habitat as they scrolled down. Along the way, people learned small tips that people could do today that could have a big impact. There was also an interactive gallery where people could send thank you notes to rescue workers.

An interactive gallery gave people the opportunity to display their appreciate to the volunteer rescue workers. People could pick a "pixel" in the final gallery image in which they could create a personalized thank-you card.

Below is a video demo of the website.
A mobile-friendly version of the site was also created.