Deloitte | USGA US Open
Experiential Activation
Deloitte Signature Swing at the U.S. Open Golf Championships
Deloitte's creative and marketing consultancy, Deloitte Digital, offering was being able to deliver business strategy from traditional management consulting along with creative and mareketing excellence from agencies. This unique capability enabled clients a way to "Look Again" at their business and Deloitte used this event to demonstrate this value proposition experientially.
As a sponsor of the 116th US Open Golf Championships at Oakmont, Deloitte had the opportunity to showcase how creative tech thinking can help elevate the brand experience with a digital installation called the “Signature Swing”. We created an interactive experience that took data collection that is normally used for performance enhancement, and turned it on its head—so you can, "Look Again" at your swing.

Golf is a sport unlike others in that the ball is not moving—your performance is entirely dependent on your swing. So if you are a golfer, you're likely spending a lot of time refining it. And if you are like many others, you're also likely to be using data to inform you and help make your golf swing more 'perfect'. But who says there's such a thing as a perfect swing? We beg to differ—we believe there is value in having a unique swing. A swing that's suited just for you. And that swing—your swing—should be celebrated.
So what if we used that data that is normally used to help 'perfect' your swing, to tell a different story? Instead of using it to make your swing look more like everyone else's, we decided to use the data to showcase the uniqueness—by creating artwork from your swing. So we built an application that dynamically changes with each person to broadcast beautiful data-driven artwork that says "I'm proud of my ugly swing".
The end result is not only a beautiful piece of artwork, but it is also a visual representation of each person’s unique signature swing style. The artwork was broadcast for others on a large 9-foot LED panel, which ws then be downloaded and shared afterwards.

Just over the 16th hole at Oakmont Country club, Deloitte had a hospitality tent where VIP's retreated to from the hot June weather and take a break from the action on the course. This is where we set up the installation.
Inside the tent, the installation took up a 8'x10' footprint that comprised of a space for motion capture of your golf swing and a 9'x9' LED panel display that displayed digital artwork that was generated.
Guests first signed up for the experience with their name on an iPad, and then stepped into the booth. A golf club outfitted an Axiom sensor took measurements from the guests' swing to track all of the metrics that make a golfer’s swing unique:
Position of the golf club
Speed at every moment of the swing
Average and maximum speed
Duration of the swing
Duration of the different parts of the swing: backswing, downswing, follow through
Swing plane
Deviation from swing plane

Online Video
The hospitality tent was only open to selected guests, but we still wanted to showcase the thinking and technology behind the installation.
So we created a series of videos that first teased out the idea of using data in sports performance measurement in a different way, and then showcased the Signature Swing in action.
Over the course of 2 weeks, we had 382,000 video views total on our Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin channels, with over 544,000 people reached.